I have been forced to watch or at least listen to the race to win the next presidential and vice presidential seat here in the USA.  My husband loves to watch this stuff every night and his comment to me is always, “I can’t believe you aren’t interested in this.”

I really do feel like so much of it is a waste of time.  This world seems to get darker and the ways of man are just foolishness.  And honestly, I would rather fill my spirit with encouraging things.  I don’t want to fill my ears and heart with the report of man.  Blech.  But alas, each night these reports, commentaries, and contestants in these historical roles are ever before my eyes.

 (Photo Credit: BBC News.)

I found last night’s vice presidential debate to be so frustrating.   Our vice president, Joe Biden, may be a learned man — perhaps even experienced in many areas, but his attitude was so disturbing I didn’t want to hear his voice.   He showed nothing but rudeness and immaturity.   His opponent in this race, Paul Ryan, was calm and carried himself in a way that I would hope someone in that role would act/react.

Proverbs 29:9
When a wise man has a controversy with a foolish man,
The foolish man either rages or laughs, and there is no rest. (NASB)

No matter who wins this race to the white house, Jesus is the ONLY answer for this nation.  It is my personal belief that Mr. Romney’s beliefs (at least where abortion is concerned) is more biblical that President Obama who from the beginning of his role in the White House has seemed to be in a race to see how many babies could be slaughtered through abortion.  He has been the most pro-choice president we have had yet.   But … NO MAN can fix the wickedness in this nation.   We must turn back to God.

Stop …

If you are a regular here, you may have guessed that I am linking with Lisa-Jo Baker for 5-Minute Friday.  She provides the prompt and we write for 5 minutes to see what comes out.   Today’s prompt is:  RACE.

If you would like to play along, click on Lisa-Jo’s button below.