This has been an emotional couple of days.

We lost a dear friend on Sunday morning.  His name was Bobby Joe Gambill.  He was someone that my husband considered one of his best friends.  They were in contact each day.

Before we could even get out of our bed Sunday morning, we received a call from Bobby Joe’s son.   Later we heard that they wanted my husband to speak at his friend’s funeral.

My sweet co-worker Maegan operated our maze (booking, answering calls, etc …) while we were gone and we made a 3 hour trip to the mountains.  THANK YOU MAEGAN for making a way for us to go!

We shed a lot of tears when we hugged his family, and my husband did an awesome job speaking to friends and family at the funeral.


We often wondered why God allowed us to build that mountain house!


As soon as we built our house, my husband was introduced to Bobby Joe.  He rented our pasture land for his cows and that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship.


We didn’t know that Bobby Joe wasn’t saved!

He was SOOOOO super nice!  He was a man of integrity and we have never heard ANYONE say an unkind thing about him.

I should also mention that he has been battling cancer for 14 years.

As Bobby Joe began to struggle with treatments, my husband started praying with him.  Almost every time he was with him he would say, “Can I pray for you Bobby Joe?”  STILL, HE DIDN’T KNOW THAT BOBBY JOE DIDN’T KNOW JESUS.

We found out after 6 years of praying with him that Bobby Joe gave his heart to Jesus about a month ago and was baptized a few weeks ago.

How could my husband have ever known that he would be speaking at Bobby Joe’s funeral when they met concerning our land?

God orchestrates so many relationships in our lives.

Nothing is happenstance.

Nothing is coincidence.

My husband was really burdened for Bobby Joe this past year or more and his name was mentioned each time we prayed — even over our meals.  Our daughter always prayed, “And God, please bless Mr. Bobby Joe.”

You just never know how you will change the lives of those around you.

Continue to be a light in the darkness.  You may be surprised by those around you who are on a journey to find the Truth.

John 14:6
Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me.

Neat story:  Our friend Mark rode with us to the mountains to show his support.  While we were chatting yesterday, Mark shared about the moment his grandmother died.   She had not been speaking for a day or two (I think he said) and suddenly she started looking up and saying, “Yes, I see you ____”  (the name of a family member who had died).  Then she started talking to other family members who had died before her.  She said, “I’m ready to go home.”  She raised her hands and left her body!  Hallelujah!  What a way to go and what a way to show the reality of heaven to those who witnessed her leaving!

I know that day is going to come sooner than later for my parents and I pray God will give us a story like that too.

How comforting to know that our loved ones are with Jesus!

It was so much easier to say good-bye to Bobby Joe — KNOWING that he made the choice to give his life to Jesus.  We will see him again and spend eternity together!

Has God been placing someone on your heart?  Please don’t dismiss it, but act on it.

Bobby Joe Gambill — we will see you again one day sweet man!

(The tree photo was taken this morning in the mountains.  The silly photo was leaving the funeral.  The reason we could smile and be silly was because we KNEW where Bobby Joe was.  With Jesus!  We could leave that funeral with joy in our hearts.  Satan may have tormented his body with cancer, but GOD WON HIS SOUL.  Hallelujah!)