
Psalm 31:24
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.

I needed to meditate on this today.   I was awakened by my husband checking the election results around 12:40am.  The light from the iPad — the tapping of his fingers — I don’t know, but boom – I was awake.

I saw 1:11 on the clock, then 2:22 — finally I got out of bed.

I was angry because I couldn’t capture my sleep again.

I was angry about the results.

I turned on DayStar TV and allowed God to start washing the anger away.  I have to confess it hasn’t washed away yet.

do not understand how Christians can overlook the abortion and marriage stance that our President takes.   And who can forget that the democratic party voted 3 times to take God out of their platform?  I sat there shocked as people booed God!  What?

Are there scales over peoples eyes and hearts?  If Christians won’t even rise up and take a stand for Biblical morality who will?   Even if Christians don’t — Hindu’s, Buddhists … SOMEONE should stand up for morality.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t put my hope in any man.  But seeing Christians overlook such wickedness never ceases to shock me.

Are financial things more important to them than the sanctity of life and marriage? 

Apparently so, at least to a big majority of people.

I really don’t understand.  Are government “help” programs needed more than the protection of millions of children murdered in the womb before they even have a chance to fulfill the calling on their lives?

Will it be legal someday for adults to marry children?  Where does it end?  Don’t think it can’t happen.  Who would have thought years ago that marriage would ever be changed to accept anyone other than the opposite sex?

I know that most pastors shake in their booties about speaking up concerning political stuff, but where is the leadership?   Did some pastors vote for same sex marriage and abortion as birth control too?   I know of some Christian leadership who did and I can’t even wrap my mind around it.

If you haven’t figured this out by now — I’m not a politically correct person and I will not be controlled by the fear of man.    This stuff is just wrong and someone needs to stand up.

I am facing the fact that I live in a nation where half of the people call evil good and good evil.

Someone on CNN last night said that a Republican will never be president again unless they change their stance on same sex marriage.    Yep, this is the world we live in.  And I can definitely see a time coming when Christians (who actually stand for biblical principles) will most like suffer persecution in this nation.

Back to the scripture … I needed the reminder that there is ALWAYS hope with Jesus.

There is hope for a nation that appears to become more wicked each year.  There is hope for those who feel hopeless.   There is hope for those who are addicted, lonely, scared, and yes — even those of us who are angry.   God sent His Son to die for each one of us.   And thankfully He is much more merciful than I am and forgives me when I don’t deserve it.

I do believe we are to pray for our leaders.  I don’t agree with them, but we are called to pray for them.  I do pray the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will reveal Himself to them in new ways each day.  I pray He will remove all deception from the hearts of our government and draw them to their knees.

God has been very merciful with this nation.  I pray His mercy continues.

I will leave you with words from Bill Johnson:

Yesterday the US voters said yes to the immoral slaughter of the unborn, and the immoral redefinition of the family. They revealed an addiction to big government fixing their problems, and a jealousy over those who succeed. They chose a position of dishonor towards Israel. These choices carry consequences. I pray for mercy.

Can God heal our nation? Yes. Does He need godliness in the White House to accomplish it? No. It is time for us to pray? More than ever.

I was going to link with the Internet Cafe this morning, but I don’t think they would appreciate my ranting.

Please don’t feel the need to leave hateful comments if you disagree with my opinions.