You’re Gifted?  So what?

You’re Gifted? So what?

Yesterday I attended a funeral at my childhood church.   This was the little church I began attending with a friend at the age of eleven.  Sadly, the funeral was for my first Sunday school teacher, Ellen Sears. I heard testimonies from many people who were touched by...
Do we BEG God for healing?

Do we BEG God for healing?

What do you thinking about healing?   My opinion has definitely changed over the years.   I’m certain that when I first thought about the subject, I believed that I needed to BEG God.   I am ashamed to even type that out, but I am being transparent.  Why would I...
Are You on the Rapids?

Are You on the Rapids?

The other day my friend was talking about the attacks from the enemy and she brought up an upcoming white water rafting trip.   Immediately the Holy Spirit gave me an analogy of the waters and the guide.   The waters represented the attacks of the enemy that can...
His Timing is Perfect!

His Timing is Perfect!

As 2014 comes to an end, have your thoughts been on promises or visions unfulfilled?   I seem to end each year with “When God When?” and begin the next year with great hopes in seeing my visions come into fruition. During this Christmas season, God has...