I am a blessed woman!

I have so many good friends!

Proverbs 18:24
A man who has friends must himself be friendly,
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

I have a core group of friends who have been through the fire with me.    Our friendship has stood the test of time and we have strong bonds in Christ.   I haven’t closed the door to new friends though and God continues to bring people into my path.   There is something cohesive between people who are passionate about the same things (or in my case, the same person – JESUS).

There is a true family bond (sometimes closer than the people who share your blood) between true Jesus lovers.   It is a tangible connection.  When we meet together there is electricity in the air!  Kingdom comes in contact with Kingdom and POWER radiates through our conversations and actions!   I love it!   Miracles happen when we agree and move in what God has placed on our hearts to do.    I can’t help but think of my friends Angie and Tamara who do everyday life with me.  Angie has been in my life around 7 years now.   For some reason everyone at our church calls her Beth (as if we look alike … lol).  We finally made a joke out of it and call ourselves Bengie!  I would say 95% of our conversation is usually about what we are learning in the Lord or about our experiences.   She is hungry for more — just like me.   Can you tell us apart?  Ha.


Another newer friend is Tamara, who I met about a year (or more) ago.  Recently we have become much closer.   She stirred my hunger for the Word of God!   And God used her to bring me through this last stage of healing and freedom.   She and I are always talking about the Lord and aren’t afraid to do market place ministry together.  Woo hoo!  Angie will do market place ministry too.  She and I chased a woman down one day  (who suffered from fibromyalgia) but the lady wouldn’t let us pray for her.  I don’t think I’ll ever forget that.

Speaking of new friends — I have also adopted a church family in New Bern.  Their love and passion woos me in like a moth to a flame!

I’m telling you the truth — I don’t know what life would be like without my sisters (and brothers) in Christ!

But even greater than those friendships is the love I have with my Lord.   Daddy God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit … ahhhh, they are always with me — always ready to commune with me — always ready to comfort.    Where would I be without the Lord?  Doomed!  That is where.  Doomed and hopeless.

Oops, I must confess that I forgot I was doing a 5 Minute Friday.  I may have run over just a tad.  Sorry.   Today I am linking with Lisa-Jo Baker for 5 Minute Friday.   She provides the prompt and then we write for 5 minutes (but in my case … maybe 8 … 10 today).    Today’s prompt:  FRIEND

Please visit her by clicking on her button below.

Five Minute Friday

Happy and Blessed Friday Everyone!